Sunday, March 04, 2007


March already?!?

Must be in a winter funk. That’s the only way I can explain that I only posted once during the month of February. To be fair, February is a short month, and it isn’t an uncommon occurrence for people to miss it altogether. Unless it’s a leap year! Then you’ll usually hear things like, “Wow! Is it February 29th already?” or “We’re in a leap year? That sure snuck up on us!” or “Hey! This calender’s from 1986!”

Next year is a leap year, by the way, so consider yourself warned.

Stuff has been happening, but I just haven’t been blogging. Pretty sad when the bulk of the blog entries lately are about why I’m not blogging lately. Let’s just chalk it up to a combination of being busy and lack of motivation.

We went to West Edmonton Mall a couple of weeks ago, and that was an adventure. I’d show you the pictures and video, but I haven’t a clue where the camera is at the moment and everyone else is asleep so I can’t ask them. We’re also considering buying a house, but that almost cements our permanent status as Albertans, and I don’t know if we’re ready to do that. That and pretty well the only way to get our foot in the door is by getting a 40 year mortgage!


Did you know they even had these? I mean, I know that it’s just a way of starting out in the housing market, but having that loom over your head is kind of frightening. 40 years! I’d be well into my seventies if we never renegotiated or, you know, were idiots.

Hopefully I’ll be a little more diligent about doing this! I love to write, but if I have to force myself to do it and it’s not fun, then there’s no point, right? So far, that’s not the case, though.


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