Tuesday, February 13, 2007


I said I wouldn't do it...

I said I wouldn't blog for two weeks, and wouldn't you know it? I attained my goal. What did I attain from this? A complete lack of readership maybe? Yeah, that's probably it.

I really didn't have anything to write about...That's actually a complete fallacy as I could right about the way the light glinted off of collective water droplets sticking to the fur of a new born kitten, but I just didn't feel like writing about that particular topic because of the horrible memories it dredges from the depths of THAT particular cerebral river.

Oooh! It's big word day!

Truth is I've just been in a funk! The winter blahs have got us down and some events in and around where we live haven't been conducive for happy blogging. I've been negligent where it comes to my journal writing, and I hope to correct that not only for your entertainment's sake but also for my terrible memory's sake. It's bad! My memory, that is.

Blog? Negligent? Er, blogligent? I've suffered from "blogligence."

Oh, I have to tell of a phrase that I'm going to be using for the rest of my life, I swear. Well, if the context calls for it! I read a review for the upcoming 300, a movie that a long to see with every geeky fiber of my being, over at Ain't It Cool by one Neill Cumpston. In his review he complains about the accompanying dude nudity along with the unclad females of the film. He goes on to combine "dude" and "nudity" to coin the phrase "dudity." If that isn't a word worthy of Webster's. I don't know what is. I haven't Googled the word yet, so I don't know if Neil is the actual originator, but he's the one I heard it from first, and so he is very high upon a pedestal in my eyes, indeed.

I've made mention that I changed the name Tim Horton's in a previous strip upon the advice of my good buddy Mikey, but now I have to tell a tale of the employees Michelle and I have dealt with at our local Timmy's. Two drive thru events come to mind.

My TH poison is an extra large one cream/two sugars while Michelle's is a half hot chocolate/half coffee with cream. I always have to make sure they put cream in Michelle's drink as the high schooler's in the window can't seem to grasp that someone would want more that two items in a cup. God forbid they ever get a job at Starbucks! They'd probably be reduced to tears when asked for a half-caf low-fat non-chai-tea latte with cinnamon. Or whatever it is that yuppies drink...

First notable: I order mine and Michelle's drinks and pull up to the window. There are two cups waiting there at the window in front of the girl who accepts my cash and hands me one of the cups. She then turns away from the window as if to make something, and I'm sitting there with my car window open, coffee in the cup holder, wondering why she isn't handing me the second cup. She continues to mess around for about thirty seconds before realizing that there was a cup sitting at the window the entire time, picks it up and hands it to me saying, "here you go!" as if it was completely normal. I actually started to laugh hysterically since she had no clue. No clue whatsoever!

There was no cream in Michelle's coffee, by the way.

Second notable: the day before yesterday we ordered the same thing. We got to the window and both cups were handed to us. I notice on my lid that the letters "CF" are written and I ask what they mean.

"Would you like another one?" the girl asks me.

"No," I reply," I was just curious what 'CF' meant."

Our server turns to two other high school girls of the same age and asks them what it means. They have no clue! One of the new girls says that she could get me another one if I would like. I say that all I want to know is what "CF" meant and whether my coffee contained one cream and two sugars.

They didn't know that, either!

And this is the wonderful part that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. The original girl asks me if I would like to taste it. "CF" could stand for anything, I guess, but no one knew what it meant, and no one could remember making it.

They got me a new one.

I made a special Valentine's Day strip. Hope you enjoy it!

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