Friday, March 30, 2007


Guess what day it is…

Is it? Can it be true? Could today finally have come?

It’s Friday!!!

I love Fridays as a rule, not those fake Fridays like yesterday, but the real Fridays that signify the end of the week. I liken it to opposite bookends sandwiching the work week together; Friday is the baby face (or good) bookend while Monday is the heel (or bad) bookend. Neither of which is appropriate for the next two weeks as they are considered neutral during times of peace (or vacation).

Now, I slept like total crap last night as it felt like Christmas was coming the next morning, so I want you all to send out warm fuzzies our way with regards to traveling this evening. Michelle’s graciously offered to do the daytime driving so I could rest after work, but I’m terrible at sleeping in vehicles. Let’s hope I’m tired enough to overcome that, though.

So, I guess I’ll just say, “See you in a week or so!”

Bye, now…

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