Thursday, January 04, 2007


I may be out of the will...

...but I just had to elf my dad. I know it's a bit late, but I never said I kept up with the times. Me and the Amish have that in common.

Click To Watch My Dad The Elf

A note about the better half's night time psycho babble: I was so tired that I was probably asleep before she even turned off the light after reading, so I couldn't tell you if she spoke in her sleep or not. However, my body must have missed the torture very much because it decided to wake up at 4:00 AM. Couldn't sleep for a while after that, but I muscled not moving and eventually falling asleep again.

Get to pick up the girls tomorrow. It's been so weird not having them here that I may have gone just a little bit crazy. Tried to get the dog to play video games with me...

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