Friday, December 01, 2006


The Urilift System

Okay, I just had to show this to everyone. This is probably the most high tech urinal ever created, and where's it going if it's constructed? That's right! Victoria!

Here's the link to the article about the Urilift System which is, essentially, permission for every guy to just whip it out in public and do their thing. Awesome! I wonder if there's a female version in the works?

The Urilift is a urinal that rises out of the ground at night. It's pupose to stop people from peeing on the street.

Edit: If the video doesn't work, it's also located on the article page I linked.

It's officially December which means we can finally put the tree up. I know a lot of people have already put their tree up (COUGH! Roger! COUGH! May), but I just don't feel right about doing it until it's officially the Christmas month. Actually, my favourite way of putting the tree up is going to sleep and having it all ready for decorating the next day. It's happened before when Michelle didn't feel like sleeping. Ah! Those were the days...

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