Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Moving day!

I’m changing offices today so that instead of wallowing in my own self pity, I’ll be too busy wallowing in everyone else’s. Just kidding! It’s actually a good move to get me into, as we call it around here, “the loop!” Seems like days could go by without a visit from a co-worker. That’s not true, either, seeing as my job requires that I get up to fetch my own coffee. I’m working on that one, though.

So goodbye to my view of the Christmas tree and decorations that fill the only supply closet I’ve ever seen to have a window. No longer will the employees in our sister building be able to look from the fifth floor across the alley and catch me picking my nose. That’s everyone on the northern side of building’s job now. I will have more natural light filtering through my window, and I have a lovely view of the Bow River and the people who get to enjoy it while I’m indoors soaking up the fluorescent radiation that accompanies my filtered window light. No, really, I am happy about the move, but I have to make it seem like I’m put upon so you all don’t get really, really jealous of me. Mwah!

To continue my artistic muscle flexing, I tried my hand at a little lip syncing last night. Nothing fancy as I did it in about half an hour, and the longest thing to figure out was how to get that “ANSWER” button in there. So check it out, click the word “ANSWER” and enjoy:

Hmmm! I'm moved now. Had to hit save as the IT guy came in to move the computer. What will this foreign land be like? Will I fit in? Can I learn the native language in time before I'm devoured by the hungry canibals that reside here in the north?

I guess if I update later you'll know the answer to that last one.

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