Monday, October 09, 2006


Happy Thanksgiving, fellow Canadians

How did you spend your Thanksgiving? I spent mine driving the 5 to 6 hours to Calgary from Creston, but I'm not bitter! I got to spend faux Thanksgiving with my mom, grandma, and sister, Michelle, Kristen, Rylee and Kyle. Also, my sister's French-Canadian hockey billet joined us, as well. Wait, I'm forgetting someone, aren't I? Who could it be? Oh, yeah!


Don't you just want to get angry with him? He just screams trouble, doesn't he? No, really! He would scream, "Trouble!" if you just hinted at it. But getting mad at him? It's very, very hard to do, so I just take it out on my kids.

Speaking of my kids, here's an interesting sport they've come to enjoy:

You see how carefree I am with their safety? After this I encouraged them to go play in traffic on Highway 3. Of course, it wouldn't be an event without a Rylee diva pose:


My mother fed me so much on Sunday I honestly though something ripped inside me. All the food made me wonder why I didn't eat like this more often...then we cleaned up and I remembered why I appreciate fish sticks and fries. Still, my mom can cook!

My sister invited me to a Creston Thundercats game on the Saturday we were there. Unfortunately, they lost to the Spokane Braves 3 to 1, but man did they put on a show. Looking at those two websites you can sure tell who's not a hockey team from a very small town.

Michelle and the girls joined us, and while Michelle enjoyed the game with even more enthusiasm exhibited than myself, Kristen did not seem to be all that into the game. During the intermission between the second and third period a conversation took place between Kristen and my sister:

Wendy: So are you having a good time?
Kristen: Yup!
Wendy: Really?
Kristen: No, not really!

Honestly, if Wendy hadn't of pushed the issue Kristen would have let her believe she had a very good time. Kristen had the facial expression to make it believable, too. I'm so proud that my ability to lie with a straight face is being passed on to yet another generation.

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