Thursday, October 05, 2006


Dance of the potatoe man

Okay! So I’m not blowing off this animation challenge thingy…Well, not just yet, anyway. I just have a lot to do and little time to do it. I’ve had a bit of an issue with my graphics tablet lately, and I am totally not willing to draw anything with a mouse. It just doesn’t work out well and is tedious times tedious to the power of tedious. Add a dash of mundane and let sit for five minutes before serving.

I resolved those issues last night, but unfortunately my most favourite show in the whole entire universe premiered its third season opener and just about blew my socks off. For those of you who don’t own TVs, that show is Lost, and if you didn’t know that, I would seriously get your head checked out because it’s most likely that you’ve suffered a critical whack to it recently. Also, just on before that was rival network CBS’s apocalyptic thriller, Jericho. Definitely not as good as Lost, but it has me a bit intrigued, so I’ll watch it every once in a while till I’ve decided it’s not worthy of my time. Heroes, from NBC, is another one I’ve got my eye on. What can I say? With this new season of television, it’s a good time to be a geek.

My point is that I wasn’t able to spend too much time in front of my computer to animate because I was spending too much time in front of my TV. Geek, remember? Oh, and I was helping Kristen with her homework, too. You know, I can (probably with a little refresher) do complex calculus, linear algebra and have experience with differential equations, but I was having a little trouble with what Kristen had to work on last night. It just seemed that the question was so vague and had to do with setting up tables to provide you with an answer. No real instruction on how to do it…Just go!

Anyway, between Kristen and the TV I managed to pump out this quick little animation of a dancing potatoe man. Not really a potatoe, but I just wanted to see if I could do some entertaining movements that were both fluid and entertaining.


Don’t watch too long because it’s mesmerizing. Oh, and that’s it! Nothing else happens in it! Just go about your lives people!

Thanksgiving weekend is here, and we’re Creston bound! Hope everyone has a great weekend! Eat lots of turkey! Unless you live in the States…you guys have to wait until your Thanksgiving!

It's very nice 2 know you 4 r doing well,and it's great reading your funny stories. take care Shelley
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