Monday, September 25, 2006


It’s not Delissio, it’s delivery

That mouse ripped me off, and now I’m telling the world. Holy cow! I can’t believe those guys are getting away with it!

So, I managed to lose my third bankcard over the weekend, and the terrible thing is that I’m pretty sure it’s only been a month since the first. Our cards, mine and Michelle’s, have been flagged twice now for suspicious activity. I guess there are a lot of bankcard scams out there now-a-days, and banks have to be quick to prevent it from getting out of hand. Even my sister was a target not too many days ago, but I won’t post the details of that because it’s not my business to tell. It’s hers! So call her at area code 250…Just kidding! I’m not giving out her personal information…unless you email me privately (mwah).

On Saturday I managed to get a replacement card for the second one that had gotten cancelled, and it was all shiny and blue. Previously, I would let my bankcard rot inside my wallet. I recall a time when my bankcard was nearly split in three pieces, and I still managed to feed it into the ABM to proceed with my transactions. Lately they can’t even get dusty without being cancelled.

The last one was my fault, though. There’s a Bank of Montreal (BMO) close to my house that has two drive-through ABM’s, and in the early evening on Saturday, Michelle suggested that we take the kids to Chuck E. Cheese for dinner and fun. It’s the place where a kid can be a kid, dontchaknow. So I stopped at the BMO to use the drive-through to empty my account so we could afford to go to Chuck. E. Cheese. By the way, does anyone remember it being called Chuck ‘n Cheese? I did a quick search on Google and came up with a few hits but nothing explaining the name change. I would appreciate any knowledge you might share on the matter.

We get to Chuck. E. Cheese, wait in line for about 20 minutes because everyone else in Calgary had the same idea and finally get a table. At this establishment you are seated and then have to proceed to the counter to put in your order which will then be delivered to your table. As I was about to pay for the order, I discover that my bankcard was missing. How could this be? I had just taken money out at the ba…OH CRAP! I left my card in the machine! I had no recollection of collecting my card but remembered that the machine was temporarily unable to issue receipts. Something clicked in my mind, informing the rest of me that I was to leave the machine after getting the cash.

Ever try to cancel a card in a noisy Chuck. E. Cheese over a cell phone that likes to blank out when there’s too much noise. Try it! It’s fun! Thankfully no other transactions were recorded after I pulled that boner, so now I have to get another new card today. I wonder if they’re going to start charging me for this service, but come to think of it, I probably am already paying for it.

Our pizza arrives at the table, and I’m thinking there’s something vaguely familiar about it. I have a pizza palate! I have actually looked at someone’s leftover pizza that they’d brought for lunch and told them where they ordered it from. Yes! I am that good! So you can be assured that when I say on Saturday I paid $24.00 for a $6.00 Delissio pizza at Chuck. E. Cheese that I know what I’m talking about. Is that legal? Are they allowed to pick up a variety pack at Superstore and sell it for 300% more than what they bought it for? That doesn’t seem right to me somehow. It’s been decided that if and when we go again that we’ll eat somewhere else first be it at home or another restaurant. What a rip! Kristen and I played mucho amounts of that basketball game with the moving backboard, and I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to play more basketball.

Head over to the animation forum using the challenge link on the left there; I’ve updated my portion with a very rough walk-cycle for my character. Pay no attention to the backgrounds and such as I just threw them in for reference. Let me know what you think.

For your amusement, here is a conversation I had with Shannon this morning on gmail chat. You may recall me talking about him; he’s the one that is working on Take it Like a Husband with me.

9:42 AM me: Hey!!!
9:43 AM Shannon: yes
me: Did you see the comic?
9:45 AM Shannon: Yes I think its great. I see you worked out the bubble issue you were having.
me: was simple! Give me a call tonight so we can plan some $%&# out, kay?
9:47 AM Shannon: what's with the $%&# language?
9:48 AM me: Just answer the #$%&ing question!!
9:50 AM Shannon: What #$%@#ing Question?
9:51 AM me: The one I asked with the #$%&ing me tonight so we can work #$%& out, 'kay?
9:52 AM Shannon: Are you just messing around or are you mad about something?
9:53 AM me: Just messing witcha! You over sensitive #$%&!!!
9:54 AM Shannon: just tired
9:57 AM Shannon: Why are you yelling?
me: I might kill you...
9:59 AM Shannon: Why?
me: Well, for one, you're not answering my question. And, two, for the betterment of mankind!
10:11 AM Shannon: I don't understand?
10:13 AM me: I'm pretty sure it's obvious, but I'm going to spell it out for you in single syllable words again: Will - You - Call - Me - Two - Night - ?
10:23 AM Shannon: How could I call you over two nights? Should I be on the phone with you more than 24 hours?
10:26 AM me: Listen, buddy, it's painfully obvious that you're being a smart ass, and you may think it's cute, but all you're doing is just adding to the pile that is my eventual wrath that will be delivered unto you. Do you really, really want to poke the bear, or am I gonna have to get out the morning star of butt-kick and send it to you first-class mail? Huh? What's it gonna be, smart guy?
10:28 AM Shannon: I am sorry but there are to many syllables in that message. Can you give me the coles notes version?
10:29 AM me: I hate you!
11:00 AM AM Shannon: But I love you...

As you can see, we’re the best of friends. His impending death may look like an accident, but you’ll be secure in the knowledge that I had something to do with…wait! I’m not supposed to give that information away. Aw, crap! How do you un-publish?

Can't think of anything to say; well maby this

and maby this.....
ok now try copy/paste this link


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