Wednesday, September 27, 2006


It just figures…

You know how you get a friend to read your blog? You write about him, that’s how!

So Shannon finally phones me last night and gives me some lame excuse about not calling me the night before due to work or the plague or something, and we finally discuss a bit about our web-comic. While we’re doing this, he’s trying to talk to me on speaker phone while he does dishes or changes into a dress or something, and I note to him that his end sure sounds terrible. It’s full of static and it's like trying to carry on a conversation with a McDonald’s employee through the drive-thru speaker back in the mid-eighties.

I tell him that it’s about time to invest in a good phone, and he tells me that, no, it’s time to invest in a good phone plan. He’s currently using VOIP from one of those cheap carriers…Primus or Vonage, I think. He informs me that he’s going to drop them like a bad habit. Not like one of those really bad habits like smoking or crack, but one of those bad habits that are easy to drop like poking yourself in the eye or bungy jumping with the cords attached to your boxers. A bad habit that isn’t really habit forming, is what I’m trying to say.

Shannon says that he’s going to switch to Shaw’s digital phone. Well, this just gets me going. I start singing the praises of Shaw’s digital phone and how it's given me nothing but pure joy since I had it installed. There was once where, for some unknown reason, it just stopped working, but it started again within a half hour. I don’t mention this to Shannon, not because it’s of any benefit to me (although, if there’s a referral plan, hopefully he puts my name down) but just because I didn’t deem it necessary. Shaw’s been good to me! They bring me Lost on Wednesdays.

Well, funny story! About 10 minutes into the conversation and after my buddy Mike arrives at Shannon’s and says “Hi!” to me, the phone goes dead. Not only that, but my internet stops working and the TV’s on the blink. Lucky for me my cell is through Rogers. I call up Shaw and it seems that cable’s out for all my neighbors on the same node. That’ll teach me to talk good about something, huh? And it's kind of scarey just how much I rely on Shaw now. Too many eggs in one basket, I guess.

Hey! Check out those two snazzy buttons on the left there. That was hard work, I tell you. Two minutes of my life I may never get back. The Animation Forum provided the graphic for their link, so I decide to make my own. Turns out it’s easy! For an added bonus, just hover your mouse over the TILAH button. Cute, huh? That font is called "Feast of Flesh!" Isn't that wonderful? I got that font and several others over at Blambot.

Hopefully I can rip some more free time from the continuum because there’s just so much I want to do right now. If anyone can lend me some spare time, I’d gladly repay you with gratitude. I have lots of gratitude! That’s what the bottle depot gives for my returns…

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