Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Happy Hump Day!

No! Get your dirty minds out of the gutter, all you poi-voits! Hump day is that magical day of the week that signifies the peak, or, as you were, the positive amplitude of the sine wave that is our ever repeating week. Take, if you will, this sine wave:


The very left of the sine wave represents Monday, the beginning of the week. It’s the unfortunate day where all we see in front is the beginnings of a very steep climb that’ll eventually lead to the weekend. The peak obviously represents Wednesday, or hump day because it is the hump we have to get over to access the downward slope that is Thursday and Friday which leads us into Saturday and Sunday (the bowl portion of the sine wave). You’ll notice that there is also an upward climb on the Sunday portion of the sine wave. This is significant in that it represents our unwillingness to admit that the weekend is almost over. Some actually refuse to acknowledge this area of the sine wave and find themselves out of a job on Tuesday because they slept through Monday. Let this be a lesson to you!

I am progressing in two or three of my little projects. The short story I’m writing for the CBC Literary Awards is near completion, and a lucky few of you will be able to read it and tell me how far out of my depths I am before I submit it. I might even submit two short stories, actually. I was considering revamping my “Urine My Seat” blog entry and submitting it under the nonfiction section of the contest. There are three categories:

- Short story
- Creative nonfiction
- Poetry

Needless to say, I am not going to enter the poetry portion of the contest. Each entry for the story sections must be between 2000 and 2500 words long; I think I could add a little flare to my true-to-life occurrence, don’t you?

My animation is coming along slowly as I don’t have as much time to spare for it at the moment. I truly hope that I can get something completed before the November 1st deadline (same deadline as the literary contest, as well). I’ve gotten a mock up of the walk-cycle for my old man and have been working on some stuff that I haven’t posted yet, so stay tuned.

Take it Like a Husband is ramping up a little! I’m still learning how to use certain software, but the overall effect is becoming very pleasing to me. Here’s an example:

Comic Sample

I’m not too keen on the character design yet, but we have to start somewhere. This is actually an excerpt from the first comic, but I’m hoping to get back to it before the site is completed (*cough* Shannon *cough*). I know there are a lot of mistakes that I need to correct in this panel: proportions, varying line thicknesses in the back ground and Shannon has no eyebrows. Oh, and there’s no Spiral Café symbol on Catherine’s coffee cup. Some of you might be wondering why I drew myself with hair. The only answer I can come up with is: Shut up!

So, what’s been going on here, you ask. Well, you know my current projects, but what is the rest of the family up to? Let’s see…Michelle is currently job hunting after being royally screwed over by Employment Insurance (EI). She’s had a claim in since June, and she qualified because she was forced to quit her job to accommodate me in my career change. However, they neglected to inform her that because she didn’t have childcare in a city she’s never been to and just moved to that she wasn’t actually available to work and therefore didn’t qualify for EI on those days that she wasn’t available to work even though she wasn’t available to work because she knew no one to take care of our children while she set up roots in a city she’s never been to and just moved to and shouldn’t have wasted her time with EI in the first place…whew! Gotta catch my breath! So, yeah! The money she was expecting from the coffers she’s been paying into refused to cooperate with her at all and neglected to keep her informed while she stayed at home with the kids till school started. It’s not like we’re poor, but she was relying on that money before she started job hunting. I know there are a lot more disadvantaged people out there, but they should have at least kept her informed so she wouldn’t have wasted her time. She’s out job hunting now, so please keep her in your thoughts.

The kids have adjusted to school really well, I have heard. Tomorrow will be my first parent-teacher conference ever. Now we will learn the truth! Mwah hahahahaha! Kristen and Rylee are making friends left, right and center, but they still pine away for the ones they left behind in Victoria. We all do, actually.

So there’s a quick and dirty update. More self-centered than most, but what can I say? It’s my blog!

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