Friday, August 18, 2006


The Badlands are good lands

Hey all! I’m back with the latest and greatest of what’s going on in the lives of the Mohningers and those who choose to associate with them. I feel kind of tardy with this entry, but since YouTube was acting up yesterday I didn’t feel it was appropriate to update with out the video I wanted to include. So here goes! Hang on, kids! It may get a little rough ahead.

We were treated to a visit by not only the Porters, but by the Cameron’s as well. As most of you know, the Porters hail from Victoria. The Camerons used to live in Victoria with Steven and Corinn sharing pastoral duties at Highpoint Community Church, but they did something very, very bad and were relocated to Regina, Saskatchewan. Just kidding! The Salvation Army has a policy about moving their pastors around, and it just so happened that the Cameron’s number was pulled. It’s just as well since me and the family just happen to live in an area located between the two families. As an added bonus, Shannon brought along his parents who were great for a laugh and generously watched the kids for us so we could go see Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. GO SEE THAT MOVIE!!! My sides hurt, and I literally shed tears from laughing so hard.

So all three families went to the Badlands in Drumheller, Alberta, to visit the Tyrell Museum. On a personal, pat-myself-on-the-back side note, I am solely responsible for not only getting the Porters somewhere on time, but I got them there a half hour early. Man, I’m good! But, anyway, go to the Badlands we did:

Badlands1 Badlands2

Badlands3 Badlands4

Notice the one of Rylee behind the security barrier? It says a lot about my supreme parenting skills that I decided to take a picture of her before telling her to come back because it wasn’t safe. As we waited for the Camerons to arrive, we decided to lounge around the front of the museum outside. I guess at one point the kids ticked off a raptor or something because I snapped this shot as they were sprinting by:


And I got another one for the "Stupid Signs" section:

Stupid Sign

Shannon, who's preventing Gideon from going in, was all set to tear off his clothes and jump into the six inch deep pond, but thankfully decency won out, and he kept his shirt on. I believe his posture and expression are saying in this picture, “Duh!” Not only was the water really not deep enough to swim in, and I’m not sure if it comes out that well in this picture, but there was some sort of radioactive froth floating on the surface. Mmmm mmm! That stuff would be so good on Corn Flakes in the morning.

Here are some random pics of all of us in the museum. Nothing happened that resembled the upcoming Ben Stiller movie, but we did have a lot of fun with the kids. They sure could care less that there’s little write-ups beside each display, but the large bones and dinosaurs sure kept their attention for almost five seconds:

A Family Dem Bones1

Dem Bones2 Gaggle of Kids

This next pic was a request from Michelle. She wanted my best sexy, let's-get-it-on face:

Psycho Killer

I don't know! Too Jeffrey Dahmer? I'll have to practice in front of the mirror.

The next part is my favorite. Up until recently I had just called this little practical joke my “sneeze joke.” Shannon came up with a better name for it, though. Just watch it first:

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the “Sniper Sneeze!” The unwitting recipient of this quick and uncomfortable jest is Steven. Shannon had seconds prior come up behind me and pulled the same joke. Calmly, and without even a trace of a flinch, I turned to face him and casually said, “That would have been funny if I didn’t invent that joke.” Now, it is true that I didn’t actually invent that joke, but I did bring it into my circle of friends which makes me a sort of ambassador for this joke. Maybe I should have said that I was the one to bring that joke to the people, but I don’t think it has quite the same ring to it. Shannon suggested that I perform the joke on Steven, and after a little rubber arm twisting I agreed to do it. Shannon whipped out his camera and what resulted is above. Steven was a good sport about it and actually watched the video clip on my computer about 4 or 5 times when we got back to my place. Just watch his expression when he thinks that it’s actually my nose mucus landing on his face and neck. Priceless!

Hey! I have an idea! I would like anyone who reads this blog to submit the same crazy joke. Try to catch your friends, enemies or complete strangers off guard with “The Sniper Sneeze.” Just be sure to let them know that it was water after they’ve had time to stew. When I was in the military, I performed this trick on a guy on my ship. He was up and in the showers before I could tell him it was only water. He wouldn’t listen to me. Anyway, go on! Give it a shot!

Finally, before I go to bed, here are some pictures of friends and family under the 50ft tall T-Rex located at the Drumheller information centre. You only have to pay $10 for a family of five to climb up the stairs inside to peer out of its mouth. What a bargain!

Godzilla1 Godzilla3


And that's it for me! It's almost 12:30am, and we have a trip to the zoo planned tomorrow. I’ll try to get those pictures up sooner than I did these ones.

Oh, I do have an amusing snippet for you that occurred during our viewing of the Calgary Public Library’s copy of The Journey of Natty Gann. At one point during the depression, this little girl named Natty Gann traveled across the United States to be reunited with her father. Along the way, she makes friends with a fellow traveler and a wolf while jumping illegally from train to train.

At one point when the train is stopped, that eras' transit police were searching the boxcars for stowaways when they heard a noise from the one Natty Gann was hiding in. To help Natty avoid being caught, the wolf revealed itself to the cops.

“It’s just a damn dog,” said one of them.

Rylee looked at us, and without a pause said, “Don’t they take damn dogs whoops!”

We have a standing rule in the house that if inappropriate language is repeated, those shows will no longer be an option for our young ones. This time, however, was a very amusing exception. Hopefully she doesn’t capitalize on it, eh?

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