Thursday, July 20, 2006


We had guests!

I had the pleasure of helping Roger and May move into their new place by Nose Hill Park on Sunday. Kristen is very adamant that “Nose Hill” is a ridiculous name and should be Noah's Hill or something like that. Anyway, Roger now has his wife with him again, so all is well there.

They had the honour of being our very first dinner guests last night. Michelle made a wonderful vegetarian lasagna, but I was confused as to the lack of meat. Michelle informed me that there wasn't supposed to be any meat in vegetarian lasagna, but I just didn't understand what she was talking about. Total lack of communication! I ate it anyway, but I imagined rubbing a steak on it beforehand for flavouring.

The carpet cleaning guys finally got to our basement, I was informed. Michelle says that the distinct odor that was seeping into the upstairs because of its sheer strength is now a thing of the past. I guess when I get home from work I'll be able to deduce whether or not the smell that I can only describe as the inside knee of a sumo wrestler is gone. Oh my, I hope it's gone!

We continue our search for a karate instructor for Rylee and a swim class for Kristen. We actually had Rylee in lessons with one individual, but it differed so much from Canada's Best Karate that we just had to find out what other places were like around here. I wish CBK was in Calgary because they'd be worth driving across town for. All you Victoria residents petition them to do so and quickly.

Other than that, we're pretty well unpacked, the kids are liking the neighborhood and the latest round of disasters seems to be over. We're even getting a new fridge, the old one being a host for some sort of smell that was battling it out with the downstairs odor for supremacy.

I'm sure something will come along worth writing about soon. Very, very soon. Foreboding, isn't it?

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