Friday, June 09, 2006


Wanna park downtown Calgary?

Forget it!!! Yes, I know multiple exclamation marks are the sign of a deranged mind but consider the source. Parking downtown Calgary can be summed up in one word:


Well, that actually describes a lot of things about Calgary. But today I’m driving to Edmonton, and I thought it’d be more convenient to park downtown than at a Park’n’Ride seven stops away.

I pulled up to the ticket booth window and asked if they accepted interact or credit card, and the guy looked at me as if I was from Mars. Apparently I decided to park at one of the only lots that doesn’t admit to the entering of a new century. I offered him some doubloons, but he didn’t get it. He did, however, allow me to park in the lot while I ran around downtown looking for a cash machine, but he could only guarantee me 10 to 15 minutes of risk free parking. After that I was fair game to the commissionaires that infest downtown Calgary and bother homeless people. I did manage to find one, and to my joy of joys, my car was still there when I got back. Whew!

That was a little weird yesterday, I admit, with the word thing. I just find some words very interesting. I was having this conversation with someone the other day (can’t remember who…sorry) about words that you’d have no idea how to pronounce unless you actually heard them spoken. Here are my top three because I can only remember three at the moment:


  1. Indictment
  2. Façade
  3. Epitome

Tell me, how are my girls supposed to learn English with these words jamming up the system? Sheesh!

Hmm! Just for curiosity’s sake, I typed “weird words” into Google and came across the Weird Words Section Index section of World Wide Words. I particularily like the word “empasm.” It kind of just rolls off the tongue.

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