Monday, June 19, 2006



The plane got in at midnight last night, and along with the ride back to the house and getting ready for bed and such, I think I finally closed my eyes at around 1:30am. Then, to my joy, I had to get up at 5:30am to get to the LRT and yadda, yadda, yadda…Oh well, eh? At least I got a wonderful weekend with my family and friends. Not a huge get together or anything, although Roger’s birthday party was a great success with all the fifties paraphernalia and all that.

Saturday evening was Roger’s surprise birthday party that he knew about all along, and the theme was 50’s style clothing and music. I had some sort of pretense about going as a 1950’s Archie Andrews with the plaid vest and bowtie, but due to the lack of plaid vest and a bowtie, I went as a greaser. Now, those of you who’ve seen me lately might think that I have a lack of hair to grease, and you’d be correct. So the overall costume kind of made me look like a skin-head. I was leant a really worn leather jacket complete with buckles Michael Jackson would be proud of and a smell that made me think Fonzy wore it when he jumped the shark. Seeing as I already owned a pair of jeans, the only thing that was missing was a white shirt.

I used to own a ton of white shirts, but having gone through a phase recently where I thought white shirts were strictly uncool, I had donated my vast collection of white shirts to the United Way or Salvation Army or some charitable donation that doesn’t mind worn white shirts. They weren’t plain white shirts, anyway. They usually had some sort of mascot on there, be it Larry the Cucumber or Mr. Bean. Needless to say, the only white shirt I could find (actually, Michelle found it) was Kristen’s Sea Biscuit night shirt. I wore it backwards and only took off the leather jacket when I succumbed to the heat. Yes, it was hot! I

don’t know why people used to wear these leather jackets. Obviously they were in trades that didn’t require them to bend their elbows. I have a leather jacket that is soft and supple and bends and flexes. I get the impression that anyone wearing one of those leather jackets of yesteryear only leaned against walls and looked cool. That was their job! Perhaps that’s why they traveled in large groups. The others would take turns surrounding an individual who needed a break from wearing that constrictive jacket, so they would shield the individual while he stripped of the jacket and fanned his arm pits.

May (is that how you spell her name?) and Roger had a blast, though. They dug the music right from the start and danced many cheek to cheek dances (their facial cheeks, you dirty minded reader!). Roger definitely had a happy birthday. And I enjoyed it too because I didn’t have to dance. Given the restrictive quality of the jacket, there wouldn’t have been a lot of arm waving anyway.

On to Rylee’s birthday. Once again she and her multitude of friends and family had a blast at the expense of Sempai Raj. He’s just awesome with the kids, and seeing as this was Rylee’s last birthday there, he really put in the extra energy to make it that much more fun. Rylee, of course, made out like a bandit again. I will definitely post some pictures when I get the camera here.

In the morning, Rylee opened up her presents and discovered that Michelle had bought her the one Loreal hair dye she’s been after from the start and that her dad (me) has been opposed to from, well, the start as well. I believe it’s called Electric Black. Michelle applied it to her hair, and oddly enough unlike the other colors that stuck to her hair like crazy, this one wasn’t that strong. It turned her hair kind of a grayish purple which doesn’t look like it will stick for very long. She loved it though.

Tonight I get to hang out with Matt again, so I hope I can get some sort of a second wind so I can be excited when the Oilers win the Stanley Cup tonight. I have to take advantage of what little time we have to spend together…in a manly way, of course. Man! All you guys have creepy thoughts!

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