Saturday, January 07, 2006


Guess who's air brakes qualified...

I had to attend my air brakes course today. It started around 8:00 am and was supposed to got till 6:00 pm, but with all of Willy's stories, an extra hour and a half was added to the schedule. That was darn near a 12 hour day. But I'm done, and I don't have to do it again...Well, unless the government makes me. And we all know that we have to listen to the government. It's for our own good.

So now I have my Q ticket (air brakes), and I have a day off tomorrow. I've promised myself that I wouldn't set my alarm. I need sleep! So I'm watching Serenity with Tyler and Mel and then reading till I sleep. And I'm not studying! No! You can't make me.

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